
Gangplank: Greeting all ye weary travelers! I be Gangplank, captain of the Strong Arm Pirates! I don’t know how ye got on me ship, The Red Wind II, but that don’t matter! I’m sure me crew will be happy to meet ye. Check out the crews introductions on this here “web site”(whatever that be.(Jared, explain this “web site”!)) to get yeselves acquainted! Ye can see our powerful swordsmen’s, Sachio and Lucus, in pitched combat training! Or ye can try me wife, Clair’s, fantastic cooking! Ye can also see our wonderful shipwrights, Greg and Virgil, in action making sure the ship don’t sink! If ye need a medical checkup, then our doctor, Herbert, can help ye out! Maple probably with him flirting. Maria is also training most likely for the Pirates Tournament coming up! If ye want to hear the best damn music in the world, go see our wonderful musicians, Flame and Chilled! I have no idea where Hisachi be (HISACHI! WHERE ARE YE! DID YE GET LOST ON THE SHIP AGAIN? Hisachi: yes. Gangplank: GOD DAMMIT HISACHI!) So, have fun with the Strong Arm Pirates! Now I got to go find Hisachi, AGAIN!  YARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR!!!!

The Strong Arm Pirates