Clair Küchenchef

Clair: Hello, I see that my husband didn’t introduce himself yet, so I’ll go first. I’m Clair Küchenchef head chef of the Strong Arm Pirates. My husband is the King of the Pirates and captain of the Strong Arm Pirates, Gangplank! I studied the culinary arts for 12 years along with my fighting style, The Flaming Fist Fighting Style! I use a small bit of pyrokineses to engulf by body in fire to fight! I’m known as Flaming Leg for my fighting style. I’m worth 360,000,000 beries. Gangplank convinced Sachio and Maple to be my co-chefs to avoid a war as he put it. If you disrespect me, my husband, or the crew I’ll burn you!

Clairs Jolly Roger

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